• Partner Batch Enrollment

    Enrolling partners in a course is an essential step in preparing students for success! Partners and staff can be enrolled either through self-enrollment during the defined course enrollment period, or partners and staff can be enrolled by the instructors and staff members of a course. Course instructors and staff also…

  • Certificate Exception Generation

    In order to generate certificates for students that have not met the standard criteria set by the course, an instructor or staff member can override the system and generate a certificate by following the procedures below. Individual Exception In order to add a single user to the list of exception,…

  • Invalidating Certificates

    In the case in which a staff member or instructor wants to invalidate a certificate for a specific learner, the staff member or instructor can do so with the learner’s username or password. On the Certificates tab of the instructor dashboard, navigate to the Invalidate Certificates section and add the…

  • Open Response

    The Open Response tab of the instructor dashboard offers the staff of a course the ability to see data about each of the Open Response Assessments (ORAs) of a course. Unit Name: This is the specific course outline name where the ORA can be located. Assessments: This field provides the…

  • Student-Generated Certificates

    Certificates are an essential part of the course. Once a student has completed the required assignments and achieved a passing grade, the student will then be able to receive a certificate for completion. These can be added to social media profiles, shared with employers, and added to LinkedIn profiles in…

  • Regenerating Certificates

    In the case in which you would like to reproduce certificates for students, you can navigate to the Regenerate Certificates section of the Certificates tab of the instructor dashboard. The follow options are available when reproducing certificates for students, with the number of student meeting each different option in parentheses….

  • Beta Testers

    To gain further knowledge and analyze a course, a staff member or instructor can enroll a beta tester. This will allow the instructor to gather information about the overall content and execution of the course. Beta testers have early access to the course. Beta testers are not members of the course…

  • Creating a CSV File for Bulk Enrollment

    To enroll students with a CSV (comma-separated values) file, the format of the table must be appropriately structured. The following rows must be added in this respective order: Email Username Name Country As seen in the example below, each student must be separated by a row and not include any…

  • Bulk Enrollment

    Enrolling learners in a course is an essential step in preparing students for success! Students can be enrolled either through self-enrollment during the defined course enrollment period, or students can be enrolled by the instructors and staff members of a course. Course instructors and staff also have the ability to…

  • Student Batch Enrollment

    Enrolling learners in a course is an essential step in preparing students for success! Students can be enrolled either through self-enrollment during the defined course enrollment period, or students can be enrolled by the instructors and staff members of a course. Course instructors and staff also have the ability to…