Find the Unique Location Identifier for a Problem

When you create each of the problems for a course, EducateWorkforce assigns a unique location to it. To make grading adjustments for a problem, or to view data about it, you need to specify the problem location.

Location identifiers for problems can be in one of these formats.

  • location = block-v1:{org}+{course}+{run}+type@problem+block@{id}, for example, location = block-v1:CUCWD+FAA-ACS-AM-IK-HTM+2021_Fall+type@problem+block@72e0f73cdf5c4d648ebec0022854f18b
  • location = i4x://{org}/{course}/problem/{id}, for example, location = i4x://CUCWD/FAA-ACS-AM-IK-HTM/problem/680cc746e8ee473490841334f0235635

For the content library locations would look like the following:

location = block-v1:{org}+{course}+{run}+type@library_content+block@id}

Courses created since Fall 2014 typically have usage IDs in the first format, while older courses have usage IDs in the second format.

To find the unique location identifier for a problem, follow these steps.

  1. View the live version of your course.
  2. Select Course, and then navigate to the unit that contains the problem.
  3. Display the problem, and find the Submission History and Staff Debug Info options that appear below it.
  4. Select Staff Debug Info. Information about the problem appears, including its location.
  5. To copy the location of the problem, select the entire value after location =, right click, and then select Copy.

To close the Staff Debug viewer, click on the browser page outside of the viewer.

Updated on March 31, 2022

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