Sometimes mistakes happen and you might want to give a student credit on a question that they previously missed. You can change a specific student’s grade for a question or you may want to change all students’ grades for a particular question. Course instructors have the ability to change learners’ grades.
For resetting the attempts on exams, quizzes, and assignments, please visit “How Can I Reset Learner Problem Attempts For Module Quiz And Exam Sections?” or “How Can I Reset Learner Problem Attempts For Lesson Activity Sections?”
To change a grade for a specific problem, you will first need to find the problem ID. Complete the following steps to find the problem ID.
- Go to the activity or assessment that needs the grade changed.
- Click on “Staff Debug Info” below the problem in question and click on everything in the top section after “location=” (It should look similar to this: block-v1:CA+Course-ID-Labels+SchoolName_InstructorName_2022_Season_01+type@html+block@c20d1418201642c09d4f9d27ddbc66dd)
- Enter this into the bar labeled “Location of problem in course”.
Individual Learner Enrolled In Course
To change the grade for a single learner has on an individual problem, follow these steps.
- Obtain the learner’s username or email address. Learners can use this article How can I Locate my Username and Email on my EducateWorkforce Account? to locate their username.
- View the live version of your course in Staff View or Specific Learner View.
- Select Course and navigate to the component that contains the problem you want to reset.
- Display the problem, and then select Staff Debug Info. The Staff Debug viewer opens.
- In the Username field, enter the learner’s email address or username, and then select either Rescore User’s Submission, Rescore Only If Score Improves, or Override Score. A message indicates a successful adjustment. (See below to learn the difference between these three options)
- To close the Staff Debug viewer, click on the browser page outside of the viewer.
Rescore User’s Submission
If support informs you that a question answer has been updated, selecting this option will regrade the problem for the learner. -This option will regrade the problem for the learner and will rescore the problem disregarding any previous answers. This means that if the student had selected an answer that was marked wrong but support’s update indicated that their answer was actually correct, it would add the points previously lost back to the learner. If a learner had selected the now incorrect answer but was marked correct, their grade will be docked for the question.
Rescore Only If Score Improves
If support informs you that a question answer has been updated, selecting this option will regrade the problem for the learner and will rescore the problem only if the learner’s grade would improve. -This means that if the student had selected an answer that was marked wrong but support’s update indicated that their answer was actually correct, it would add the points previously lost back to the learner. If a learner had selected the now incorrect answer but was marked correct, their grade will stay the same and their grade will not be docked for the question.
Override Score
This will completely override the score that the student had previously earned with the score that you enter into the box and will completely disregard any of the student’s previously inputted answers.
All Learners Enrolled In Course
To reset the number of attempts that all enrolled learners have for an individual problem, follow these steps.
- View the live version of your course in Staff View.
- Obtain the location identifier for the problem whose attempts you are resetting. For more information, see Find the Unique Location Identifier for a Problem or see the instructions at the top of this page.
- Select Instructor, and then select Student Admin.
- To change a grade for all enrolled learners, you work in the Adjust all enrolled learners’ grades for a specific problem section of the page. Enter the unique problem location, and then select either Rescore User’s Submission, Rescore Only If Score Improves, or Override Score.
- A dialog may open to indicate that the grade change process is in progress. Select OK. This process can take some time to complete. The process runs in the background, so you can navigate away from this page and do other work while it runs.
- To view the results of the grade change process, select Show Task Status. A table displays the status of the grade change process for each learner or problem.