Creating a CSV File for Bulk Enrollment


To enroll students with a CSV (comma-separated values) file, the format of the table must be appropriately structured. The following rows must be added in this respective order:

  • Email
  • Username
  • Name
  • Country

As seen in the example below, each student must be separated by a row and not include any headers, footers, or blank lines.

If the email field within the CSV file is not associated with an existing account, a new platform account will be created using the username and name field values provided.

Example of a CSV file.

To upload the file, it must be saved as a CSV file. Once the student information has been added to the file, follow the steps below to save it as a CSV file.

  1. Download and open the attached Excel file below.
  2. Input the user information as demonstrated in the image above (the headers should not be included during the file upload).
  3. Select File.
  4. Navigate to the Save As… option.
  5. Add the name you would like the file to have in the Save As… field.
  6. Under the File Format: drop-down, select the Comma Separated Value (.csv) option and press Save.

Overview Video

The message displayed below is an example of an error due to an improperly formatted CSV file.

Example of an error received due to improperly formatted CSV file.

If a username is not entered into the CSV file correctly, the following message will display to inform the instructor or staff member.

Example message of an incorrectly entered username.
Updated on July 14, 2022

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