Beta Testers

This functionality is not used often. Please follow the directions below to allow someone to access your course and provide feedback.

To gain further knowledge and analyze a course, a staff member or instructor can enroll a beta tester. This will allow the instructor to gather information about the overall content and execution of the course.

Beta testers have early access to the course. Beta testers are not members of the course team: they do not have information about “how it is supposed to work.” They use their computers and Internet connections to view videos, follow links, and complete problems. They interact with the course as learners will to find and make mistakes.

To enroll a beta user, navigate to the Membership tab of the instructor dashboard and enter the specific usernames or emails into the corresponding field (multiple users can be separated by commas or lines). By pressing the Add beta testers or Remove beta testers the corresponding users will be adding or removed from the beta program of a course.

Updated on May 24, 2022

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